• Ke Long

    Senior fellow at the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research. Born in Nanjing, China, in 1963. Graduated from the Jinling Institute of Technology in 1986 with a degree in Japanese. Arrived in Japan in 1988. Earned a BA in law and economics from Aichi University in 1992 and a MA in economics from Nagoya University in 1994. After working as a researcher for the International Research Group of LTCB Research Institute, joined the Fujitsu Research Institute in 1998, becoming a senior fellow in 2006. Has served on the Japanese Ministry of Finance’s Council on Foreign Exchange, and its China Research Conference of Policy Research Institute. Publications include Bōsō suru Chūgoku keizai (The Runaway Chinese Economy) and Chūgoku ga futsū no taikoku ni naru hi (The Day China Becomes an Ordinary Major Power.)

    Nov 17, 2023