• Okina Kunio

    Visiting Professor of the Graduate School of Regional Policy Design of Hōsei University. Expertise in monetary policy, macroeconomics, and international financial theory. Born in Tokyo in 1951. After graduating from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tokyo, joined the Bank of Japan in 1974. Received a PhD in economics from the University of Chicago in 1983. Served as assistant professor of the University of Tsukuba, head of the planning and research division of the Research and Statistics Department of the Bank of Japan, director-general of the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies of the Bank of Japan, and professor of the School of Government of Kyoto University before assuming his current position in 2017. Publications include Keizai no daitenkan to Nihon Ginkō (The Economy’s Big Turning Point and the Bank of Japan), which won the Ishibashi Tanzan Memorial Journalism Award, and Kinri to keizai—takamaru risuku to nokosareta shohōsen (Interest Rates and the Economy: Increasing Risk and Remaining Prescriptions).

    Feb 19, 2018