• Wang Min

    Professor at Hōsei University. A trustee of the National Art Center, Tokyo. Areas of interest include cultural comparisons between China and Japan and research on the poet and writer Miyazawa Kenji. Born in Hebei, China. Majored in Japanese language at the Dalian University of Foreign Languages. Completed her graduate studies at the Sichuan International Studies University. After the Cultural Revolution, was selected by university faculty for a national scholarship, and came to study at the Miyagi University of Education. Received the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs Award in 2009. Publications include Nihon to Chūgoku: Sōgō gokai no kōzō (Japan and China: Structure of Mutual Misunderstanding), Utsukushii Nihon no kokoro (The Heart of Beautiful Japan), and Kagami no kuni to shite no Nihon (Japan as a Mirror).

    Dec 20, 2016