Japan Data

Sleep Survey in Japan Finds Many Get Less than Six Hours’ Shut-Eye


A survey in Japan found that 48% of people in their fifties slept for less than six hours each night.

LY Corporation carried out a survey via the smartphone research platform Line Research on 5,255 people aged between 15 and 64 across Japan, asking about the average amount of sleep they got every day and what they were doing to improve the quality of their sleep.

Daily Amount of Sleep

At 33%, the highest proportion of people stated they got “6 to 7 hours” of sleep daily, followed by 26% saying “5 to 6 hours” and 20% with “7 to 8 hours.”

In all age groups, apart from people in their fifties, sleeping “6 to 7 hours” made up the largest share, accounting for between 30% and 40%.

Younger generations were more likely to sleep more, with 19% of those in their teens sleeping “8 hours or more.” Over 40% of teens and people in their twenties slept for more than seven hours.

On the other hand, at around 30%, those aged in their fifties and sixties accounted for the highest proportion of those sleeping “5 to 6 hours.” Nearly half of both men and women in their fifties slept for less than six hours.

Looking at how respondents tried to improve their quality of sleep, the top three techniques for all age groups were “dimming the lights,” “having a slow relax in the bath,” and “making changes to the bedding.” Around 30% overall, though, answered that they were “not really doing anything,” with this being the case for a higher proportion of men.

(Translated from Japanese. Banner photo © Pixta.)

Health Sleep