Talk of Double Election in Summer Persists in Japan


Tokyo, Jan. 10 (Jiji Press)--Talk persists that Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba's administration may choose to hold a House of Representatives election on the same day as the House of Councillors election set for summer.

At a meeting Tuesday, Ishiba's Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner, Komeito, agreed to begin preparations for the next Lower House election less than three months after the previous general election.

The timing of the agreement has highlighted the ruling parties' concerns that they may not be able to survive the regular parliamentary session from Jan. 24 as a minority government.

The Upper House will have an election in summer because half of its members will reach the end of their term July 28. In addition, a Tokyo metropolitan assembly election will take place around the time.

"This is a year of elections," Ishiba told peer LDP executives at a party meeting held Tuesday to mark party members' start of work for this year. "Let's bring all forces together, with the LDP and Komeito at the center."

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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