Japan Average Pump Price Unchanged from Week Before


Tokyo, Jan. 29 (Jiji Press)--Japan's average retail price of regular gasoline was unchanged from a week before, standing at 185.1 yen per liter as of Monday, the industry ministry said Wednesday.

Although the price stopped rising after a two-week ascent, the level still remained high, affected by shrinking government subsidies to oil wholesalers.

The average pump price rose in 28 out of the country's 47 prefectures. It did not change from a week before in six prefectures and fell in 13.

Kochi marked the highest average by prefecture at 193.8 yen, and Aichi the lowest at 177.5 yen. Price growth was biggest in Okinawa at 2.7 yen, while Hokkaido logged the largest drop of 1.7 yen.

From Thursday, the subsidies will be 20.5 yen per liter.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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