U.S. Intelligence Nominee Sees Possible Japan-China Tension


Washington, Jan. 30 (Jiji Press)--Tulsi Gabbard, U.S. President Donald Trump's pick for director of national intelligence, on Thursday suggested that Japan's defense buildup could lead to an escalation of tension between Japan and China.

The former House of Representatives member offered the view during a Senate confirmation hearing on her nomination, responding to a question about the true meaning of her past social media post in which she sounded alarm about Japan's defense buildup.

She said in the post on Dec. 7, 2023, "As we remember Japan's aggression in the Pacific, we need to ask ourselves this question: is the remilitarization of Japan, which is presently underway, truly a good idea?"

Dec. 7 is the date of the now-defunct Imperial Japanese Navy's attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

Gabbard said at the hearing, "The concerns that I had raised previously had to do with really looking at the bigger picture of the context of the history with Japan and China, and recognizing the implications of what, how this kind of shift from a self-defense posture that Japan has had constitutionally to a more offensive posture could result in escalation."

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