


I am happy that this Japanese-American Security Pact has been concluded this afternoon on the heels of the signing of a Japanese peace treaty this morning.

That treaty gives Japan the key for re-entering the community of nations as a sovereign equal. This pact insures the security of the unarmed and defenceless Japan.

It has always been my conviction that Japan, once she regains liberty and independence, must assume full responsibility of safeguarding that liberty and independence. Unfortunately, we are as yet utterly unprepared for self-defence. We are very glad, therefore, that America, realizing that security of Japan means the security of the Pacific and of the world, consented to provide us the necessary protection by retaining her armed forces in and around Japan temporarily after peace so as to ward off the menace of Communist aggression which is sweeping on at this very moment close to our shores.

Restored to independence, the Japanese people will recover self-confidence as well as pride and patriotism. Our nation is now inspired with fresh vigour and zeal to shoulder their proper share in the responsibilities for the collective security of the Far East. I wish to assure the American delegates here that the government and people of Japan will cooperate gladly and wholeheartedly in the implementation of this pact.







前半部分十分醒目的,是使用了“unarmed、defenceless、as yet utterly unprepared” 等言辭,令人意外地吐露出日本的軟弱無力,那就是吉田所見到的祖國的現實。


在言及於此的後半部分,措辭突然一轉,變得鏗鏘有力。以“so as to ward off the menace of Communist aggression which is sweeping on at this very moment close to our shores”的精彩表現表達出了半戰爭狀態下(朝鮮戰爭仍在繼續)的“宰相”對緊張局勢的認識。接著又以“self-confidence、pride and patriotism、fresh vigour and zeal”的表現,情不自禁地對祖國作出了充滿活力的形容。





必須開始構築能夠肩負吉田承諾的“full responsibility of safeguarding that liberty and independence”的日本。據說立志做政治家時的野田佳彥,其初衷裡也有此意。希望野田能夠銘記60年前將集責任於一身,隻身出席安全保障條約簽字的吉田那孤獨的身影,並且不要忘懷自己最初的理念。



日美安全保障條約 安保 吉田茂 舊金山 國防 愛國心 美軍基地 三澤 嘉手納 關島 太平洋 美國 中國 澳大利亞 印度