Japan Data

Japanese Teenagers Engaging with Generative AI, But with Little Guidance

Education Society Economy

A survey of young Japanese found that they are increasingly engaging with generative AI, although relatively few receive guidance at school on how to use it.

The Nippon Foundation conducted a survey of 1,000 young people aged 17 to 19 years old to find out how Japanese teenagers are engaging with AI, the use for which is rapidly expanding.

Approximately 90% of respondents said they had used generative AI or heard of it, while just 10% do not know it. More than 40% of young men said they had tried it out.

Awareness of Generative AI

Of those who had not used generative AI before, around 60% said they “want to try.”

Intention to Use Generative AI for First Time

For those who had used generative AI, when they were asked about what type, over 90% said “AI for generating text.” This was followed by “AI for generating images” with more than 30%, while less than 10% had used any other types of generative AI.

Type of Generative AI Used

The most common purpose for using generative AI indicated by more than 60% of respondents was “to pass the time.” On the other hand, around 40% said “creating text for school homework or workplace materials,” but it was not clear if it was to cut corners or to complete work more efficiently.

Purpose for Using Generative AI

Just over 30% of respondents said they had learned in class about the characteristics and risks of generative AI and only 20% said their schools had set rules on how to use it. While AI is starting to firmly establish itself, it appears that the rules for how younger people should approach it are still being worked out.

Handling of Generative AI at Schools

(Translated from Japanese. Banner image © Pixta.)

Internet AI