Suicides by Schoolchildren in Japan Remained High in 2023
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The Japanese government’s 2024 white paper on suicide prevention reported that there were 513 suicides by schoolchildren in 2023. The number was one fewer than the previous year and marked the second consecutive year the figure rose above 500. High school students accounted for the majority of suicides at 347, followed by 153 junior high school students and 13 elementary school students.
The number of suicides by minors rose sharply in 2020 with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has remained high even after the easing of infection-control measures. There were major increases among high school boys and junior high and high school girls. Around 20% of the children who took their own lives in 2022 and 2023 had histories of suicide attempts, rising to 36.9% among high school girls. Support from specialists is needed following an attempted suicide to help ensure that an individual does not try to take their life again.
The government has stated that it is necessary to build support networks across society that include families and schools to prevent children who are dealing with personal or other issues or struggling with anxiety from being isolated.
The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare says that in many cases people feel driven to kill themselves because of social issues that can be addressed. In response, the government is promoting comprehensive suicide prevention measures that involve health, medical care, welfare, education, labor, and other fields. It has set up a special website with telephone hotlines, and services on social media, such as Line. The site also provides easy-to-understand information about government measures to prevent suicides.
(Translated from Japanese. Banner photo © Pixta.)